7 Mental Health Cheats When You Cannot Go Outside

Let's face it. Instinctively, we all know that we should spend more time outside. The research backs up that intuition. Our bodies do better. Blood pressure improves, inflammation reduces, and heart rates decrease. Strapping on a pair of hiking boots or slipping into a pair of flipflops for a stroll around the neighborhood not only benefits our bodies, but benefits our mental health, as well.

But what if you can't find the time to step outside? Or your physical limitations make it difficult or impossible? What if you have a chronic condition, a lingering illness, or are suffering from the after affects of Long-COVID? What if you find yourself in lockdown again because of the pandemic? Or it's too hot? (Hello, 118 degrees in Phoenix next week!) What then?

I posed this question to my online community and with their help, came up with 7 cheats to benefit your mental health when you cannot go outside.

1. Open the Curtains and Invite Nature Inside

Open the curtains? Seriously? Could it be that simple?

Yes. Research has shown that viewing nature--even from inside--is beneficial to your well-being.

In June 2020, during the height of the pandemic in Japan, 3000 residents of Tokyo -- the world's largest megacity -- participated in a survey to determine the benefits to mental health when visiting greenspaces and when simply viewing greenspaces without ever leaving their residences. Five mental health areas were measured: depression/anxiety, loneliness, happiness, life satisfaction, and self-esteem. Not surprisingly, researchers found that those who had more direct exposure to nature reported a larger increase in results affecting mental health.

The researchers were surprised, however, to discover that those who simply looked at nature from their windows had similar benefits to those who actually went outside. They surmised that the fear of going outside during the pandemic may have caused this unexpected outcome.

In either case, I find this data encouraging for those who may have a temporary illness or a chronic condition that limits their ability to be out in nature, something I experienced earlier this year as I recovered from COVID.

After my diagnosis, one of the first things I did was open the curtains, pull up the blinds, and let in the sunshine. I also turned the couch around and discovered hope in the view of life outside. That simple change vastly improved my mental outlook. I continued this practice for several months during the lingering after-affects from the virus.

But what if a person doesn't have a view? What if you live in an apartment and the view consists of the parking lot or a brick wall? What then?

2. Bring Home a House Plant

Caring for another living thing--even a plant--can increase a person's sense of purpose and wellness.

An online study of over 4200 people published in the journal, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, found that houseplants brought emotional benefits to 74% of participants during COVID-19 lockdowns. The survey was conducted in April-May 2020 . My friend, Julie Green, would agree. The number of plants in her home increased fourfold this past year. My friend, Laurie Lee, enjoyed a monthly subscription of plants -- a welcome gift -- when she found herself quarantining alone.

Apparently a plant is more than a decoration.

“Watering and nurturing plants can serve as a mindfulness, calming exercise for many people, and taking care of another living organism can bring about a real sense of purpose within ourselves, allowing us to make a difference and feel better about our contributions to the world around us,” says Drew A. Pate, MD, chief of psychiatry at LifeBridge Health in Baltimore, Maryland.

Bringing home flowers from the grocery store can also provide a bit of cheer to your inside spaces, or growing new plant clippings along your windowsill. My friend, Veronika, doesn't limit her vases to flowers, but adds herbs, small branches, and weeds to brighten up her home.

3. Buy a Bird Feeder

I have feeders in my front and backyard, drawing finches, hummingbirds, towhees, doves and other birds near my windows. I have often been cheered by their feathered presence. For those who don't have a yard, a friend of mine swears by the suction-cup models of feeders that adhere to a window.

If you live on the tenth floor--don't worry about it! Birds have this amazing superpower called flight. I've been amazed to find birds outside the windows of our hotel room (when we did that thing called travel), high above ground level. With the right enticement, birds will come to you.

4. View Nature Photos

saguaro cactus

When you can't get on a plane to fly to a beautiful vacation spot, or you are unable to even drive to a neighborhood park, viewing photos of nature can also help reduce stress levels.

There are studies that show that looking at pleasant images can provide a type of mental escape for individuals during times of moderate stress,” said Sandra Sgoutas-Emch, a psychological sciences professor at the University of San Diego. Relaxing photos of nature can “quiet the areas of the brain that are involved in fear and anxiety.”

Besides physical photos, our devices can be used to discover digital images. Friends recommended My French Country Home and We Love England on Facebook and nature documentaries found on Nat Geo Wild, and Monty Don's garden tours of Italy/France. Technology also makes it possible to program rotating images on your favorite screen.

I recently enjoyed watched all the episodes of The Secret of Whales on Disney Plus andLife in Color with David Attenborough. As a side note, I would not recommend watching too many scenes of hungry lions consuming cute baby antelopes right before bedtime.

5. Listen to Sounds of Nature

According to Florence Williams in the book, The Nature Fix, we, as humans, find three different natural sounds soothing: birds, wind, and water. In a noisy world, sounds of nature can provide a needed respite for our ears and souls.

A research review in the April 2021 Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences found that in regard to the different nature sounds, sounds of water had the biggest effect on a person's positive outlook on life, while bird sounds were best for lowering stress levels. Some participants in this study even experienced a decrease in pain levels after listening to recorded nature sounds.

My friend, Rick Furmanek, listens to the recorded sounds of a thunderstorm for inspiration while editing his nature photography. Other friends appreciated a small tabletop fountain and the soothing sound of windchimes.

6. Natural Aromas

Lavender. Rosemary. Pine. Cut Flowers. Potted Herbs. These were just a few of the suggestions offered by my online community when I asked how they brought the outside world into their homes. I was thankful for their input, because natural aromas is an area I have not explored in my home.

Marian boils citrus peels and rosemary (and sometimes cloves and cinnamon) as one of her favorite "stuck inside" comforts. Kris appreciates the medicinal properties of simmered cedar and spruce.

When the real thing is not available, scented candles offer a comforting alternative.

7. The Power of Memory

My rock collection of memories.

When circumstances leave your stranded inside, a memory from the past can give you hope for getting out in nature in the future.

My friend, Maggie Jusell, loves the ocean. A small "beach box" with shells, flower petals, and a little sand that her daughter brought back from Belize and a tiny bottle of the ocean from her son when he went to the Bahamas bring thoughts of ocean breezes into her home.

My friend, Mark Hassel, has a map of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in his office, keeping the memories of his last trip close to him. Other friends mentioned artwork and home decor that stirred memories of pleasant outings in nature. The anticipation of future trips made their times stuck indoors easier to bear.

During the pandemic, teacher, Mary Hauser, (while teaching virtually) had her high school art students go on nature walks and find something to sketch. Her students reported that the hikes and sketching when they returned home helped bring them peace during troubling times.

I have a large glass vase filled with rocks from adventures we have taken all over the world. Each stone is a time machine, transporting me back to New Zealand, Minnesota, Hawaii, Arizona and other locales.

So, What Does It All Mean?

Overall, researchers discovered that we don't need to make radical lifestyle changes to benefit from the effects of nature. Even if you find yourself unable to get outside, you can open your curtains, view photos of nature, listen to the sound of a waterfall, light a pine-scented candle and experience an improvement to your mental health.

That is good news for us all.



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