
anticipation Definition an·tic·i·pa·tion[ an tìssi páysh'n ]  NOUN.  1. expectant waiting: the feeling of looking forward, usually excitedly or eagerly, to something that is going to happen

Have we lost the value of anticipation? Of waiting for something with pleasure? Of looking forward to an upcoming event?

Have we gotten so busy in our crazy, fast-paced world that we rush from one activity to the next without taking time to savor life? Work, meetings, volunteering, kids' activities and endless to-do lists vie for every second of our time, leaving no sense of future expectation or fun. Additional activities are viewed as just "one more thing" on an already overloaded calendar.

According to Richard A Swenson in Margin, we live in an overloaded culture that takes away the pleasure of anticipation and the delight of reminiscence. We crowd just "one more thing" onto our calendars, leading to what David M Zach calls hyperliving - skimming along the surface of life. Since recovering from cancer, I have taken a hard look at my schedule and priorities and have tried to live a more balanced lifestyle. Sometimes I am successful. Often not. One thing I have discovered is that anticipation allows me to live life SLOWED DOWN.

It's definitely how I would rather live.

Four ways I have (tried to) put anticipation in my life:

1.  Anticipate Small Pleasures.

I look forward to getting out of bed each morning to follow a simple routine. I make a cup of tea. I water the flowers. I get out my journal and record reasons I am grateful. Before the busyness of the day descends, I enjoy this time of quiet reflection.

2. Anticipate Adventure. 

This year we took a long-awaited trip to Hawaii with the family. We planned the trip for more than a year. We researched stuff online. I checked out books from the library. When we were all together, we talked about what we wanted to do. The planning and preparation for the trip increased our expectation and pleasure of the time we had together. This type of anticipation is not limited to once-in-a-lifetime trips, but can be used when organizing a birthday party, a family celebration or a trip to the zoo.

3. Anticipate Finishing A Difficult Task.

I dislike cleaning the bathroom. I used to avoid it as long as possible until I switched mindsets. Rather than focusing on the unpleasant task of scrubbing the shower, I now focus on the treat I will enjoy when the task is done - either a snack or a chance to sit down and read. This anticipation motivates me to get the job done.

4. Anticipate a New Day.

Sometimes life is hard. Sickness. Unemployment. Cancer. Loss. Unkind words. The Bible promises us in Psalm 30:5 that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. During difficult times, it comforts me to know that God who has been faithful in the past, will be faithful again. I can look forward, in anticipation, to the joy that is to come.



What are you anticipating?




Let the Children Come