Bird By Bird

In the book, 

Bird by Bird, author Anne Lamott writes about the experience that prompted the book's title. Her brother had waited until the last minute to do a school project on birds. He sat at the kitchen table with stacks of books and an empty piece of paper in front of him, staring off into space, paralyzed by the amount of work ahead. His father came over, put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Just do it bird by bird."

This advice works for me as I write sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph. It also works in the sphere outside of writing - whether I'm tackling a house project, setting a fitness goal or working on a tough area in my life.Psalm 37:23 says, 

The steps of a man are established by the Lord,and He delights in his way.

Sometimes the bigness of a project or goal can paralyze me. God has help, step by step, even when I find the way slow and tedious. 

Bird by bird. Step by step. Where is that true in your life?


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