Cobras, Breast Cancer and The Ripper

Today I went to a fundraiser luncheon with the Desert Cancer Foundation of Arizona (DCFA). Besides eating good food (not counting the rubber chicken), I heard two doctors talk about breast cancer, its history and its treatment, old and new.

I learned that the United States is #1 in breast cancer diagnoses, but we are also #1 in breast cancer survival.

I am thankful that we have other options rather than the horribly disfiguring mastectomies that included removing breast tissue AND all muscle clear down to the bone, before it was discovered cancer spread through the lymph system. We saw pictures of several surgical instruments from those days, including one, aptly called The Ripper. (Just looking at it gave me chills). We also saw case file pictures of women who had the disfiguring surgeries.

I am also thankful I don't live in certain countries that still believe the following:

1. Cancer is contagious.

2. Cancer must be kept a secret.

3. Cancer gives a man permission to leave his wife, no questions asked.

4. Suicide is preferable than admitting you have cancer.

The doctor told a story where in certain parts of India, a mother with breast cancer will submit herself to being bitten by a cobra so her cause of death can be listed as snakebite and her daughter can still marry well. India, as well as China and Mozambique, have the highest mortality rates from breast cancer, partly because of these cultural issues.

All in all, it was a very informative luncheon and I left being thankful for the advances being made in breast cancer research, but there is still so much that needs to be done. I want to see the day that my children can live in a cancer-free world.

One final note: Ladies, if you are over 40, sign up for a mammogram. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the people who love you. Early detection can make all the difference. I am living proof.


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