Counting Toward 1000 Thankful Reasons

"But who is wise? Let him give heed to these things; and consider the lovingkindnesses of the Lord." - Psalm 107:43Reasons for thankfulness this week. The numbers are from my journal as I work toward 1000 reasons of giving thanks.694. Encouragement. The power of simple words.702. That the $100 vase did not break at the art gallery when my child knocked it over right in front of the police chief.

704. Money coming in for Aleah and Zach's mission trip to Mozambique this summer.705. Nestling under my husband's arm.

711. Pedicures and daughter time.714. Mango frozen yogurt with fresh fruit.717. Climbing a mountain and escaping a to-do list.722. The sound of blowing wind.729. Reassurance.734. Father and Son Memories

736. A daughter's lion mane of ringlets.

737. A rainbow of beauty.

751. My dad, in treatment for melanoma, making summer plans.

For all of these lovingkindnesses. And more. I give thanks.


The Purple Candle


A Tribute to David Wilkerson