Death Chocolate and Other Weird Christmas Traditions

Some traditions are not planned.

They just...sorta...happen.

From my daughter, Aleah's Facebook page (used by permission):

Every year a local funeral home sends our family a large box of See’s chocolate because my dad is a pastor

and so he brings them… business… sometimes. 

When my dad brings out the box

wrapped with festive red paper,

the sender boldly labeled as

"Your friends at ___ Mortuary,"

my sister and I exclaim

"Yay! The Death Chocolate!"

(My family is a little weird.)

I always found it morbidly funny. Do they hope we'll eat too much and go to an early grave?

Traditions give us identity, connecting the generations.

They give us stability, in a fast-changing world. Traditions become part of every family's story, even when they are not planned.

Like Death Chocolate.

Do you have an unusual family tradition? 


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