God, Don't Leave Me Alone

Today, I want to post a link to a video that I watched earlier in the week about a pastor and worship leader, Bob Sorge, who lost his voice in 1992 during a botched vocal surgery.

As a result, he can speak only 1 hour a day and that is painful.

I am aware the book of Job is a theological challenge for many people of faith. The words found there challenge my own views on suffering. My belief on the love of God.I cannot escape the compelling words found here that Bob Sorge whispers from hard-learned truth:


God, please don't leave me alone.

Update for Feb 10, 2014

Mom is back in the hospital with pneumonia in both lungs. She has made the decision to be finished with chemo.

We are in the process of making some major decisions of what life looks like when she is dismissed from the hospital.

We would appreciate your prayers.

I know many of you are still trying to keep tabs on Mom through her email and phone. Please contact my email at lynnehartke@aol.com if you have personal messages for Mom. This will be the easiest way of communication for me.

She still answers her phone on good days. If, after several tries, you do not get her and really want to hear her voice, please call my phone at 480-688-6198 and I will pass the phone to her.

From my Facebook: A puzzlement: The hospital has an ATM machine located next to the cash-only vending machine in the cafeteria. The ATM spews out 20's. The vending machine takes only 1"s and 5's.

To the stranger who gave me $1.50 in quarters so Mom could have a late-night snack of yogurt, thank you. You are my hero. 


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World Cancer Day: A Personal Photo Collection