Greater than a Wildfire

Currently, the Wallow Fire is raging across our state. As of last night, 519,319 acres have burned, 3531 personnel are still being used to fight the three-week-old fire that is considered only 56% contained. It is the largest wildfire in Arizona history.

But there is something more destructive than a wildfire.

And that is the tongue.

The tongue can cause arguments and conflict and pain and destruction. To the point that it can set on fire the course of a life. (See James 3:6.)

Did you catch that?

The tongue can set on fire the course of a life.

James goes on to write about dissensions and wrong motives and jealousy, until I wonder if maybe, just maybe, it would have been better if I had been born mute.

Until I get to James 4:6

.But He gives a greater grace.

A greater grace.

Greater than our selfishness. Greater than out pettiness. Greater than our human-ness. Jesus is found in the midst of the sobering sentences. In the sobering cirumstances of my life. When my tongue gets the better of me. Or more accurately, the worst.

How to we obtain this grace? *

1. Turn to God. No agendas. No rights. Just honest bareness.

2. Don't listen to the enemy. He never has anything good to say. About ourselves. About others. About God.

3. Get serious about our sin in the matter. No sugar coating. No waffling. No excuses.

4. Humble ourselves. Go to the person we've wronged. For me, it is usually those closest to me that I have burned the most.

In this turning-to-God-not-listening-to-the-enemy-getting-serious-with-sin-humbling-ourselves, there can be found a greater grace.

I think it is worth finding.


see James 4:6-10


Let the Children Come


Growing Families and Growing Tomatoes