Green Eggs and Ham (aka Life in a Box) With Apologies to Dr. Seuss

When my oldest son, Nate, was a toddler, he received a large box as a birthday gift. The box, painted and decorated like a house, had originally stored an airplane engine so the cardboard sides were wood-enforced. Several small kids could safely sit on the box without damaging it. Many, many hours of imaginative play took place inside (and on top of) that box.

Boxes are fun for children. They are not so fun for adults. The endless responsibilities, to-do lists, and "shouldas" and "couldas" can make us feel confined and trapped in boxes we feel we cannot escape. The Box of the Past. The Box of Pleasing Others. The Box of Expectations (our own and other people's). The Box of Security. The Box of Wrong Choices. The list goes on and on.

It takes courage to make changes to break the fear that keeps us locked in our boxes. Maybe it's the fear of failure. Or of taking risks. Or the fear of disappointing others or worrying about what they will think. Maybe it is fear of the unknown or of trying (or being) something new. With God's help and small steps forward, we can leave behind the things that trap us and find freedom. Galatians 5:1 reminds us, "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you." (The Message)

Several years ago, I wrote a parody on Green Eggs and Ham that was used as a simple skit during a women's retreat. You will need to imagine two actors, one as the voice of God and the other tightly confined in a narrow box.

Life in a Box

Do you like life in a box

with four walls and one big lock?

I think I like it, God, my king.

I think I like this box-living-thing.

Do you like it here or there?

Yes, I like it here or there.

Yes, I like it anywhere.

I think I like it, God, my king.

I think I like this box-living-thing.

Do you like it near or far?

Do you like it in your car?

Yes, I like it near or far.

Yes, I like it in my car.

Yes, I like it here or there.

Yes, I like it anywhere.

I think I like it, God, my king.

I think I like this box-living-thing.

Do you like it up or down?

Do you like it in your town?

Yes, I like it up or down.

Yes, I like it in my town.

Yes, I like it near or far.

Yes, I like it in my car.

Yes, I like it here or there.

Yes, I like it anywhere.

I think I like it, God, my king.

I think I like this box-living-thing.

What would I do without my box?

Without four walls and one big lock?

Life is safe here, can't you see?

Outside my box - no guarantee.

You think you like it, so you say,

But I offer you another way.

I will, I will set you free.

Outside the box - Your destiny!

Say! I love life without my box,

without four walls and one big lock!

I took Your hand; You set me free.

Outside the box - my destiny!

My prayer for each of us in 2010, is that we will discover the freedom, life and destiny that is ours - outside the box!


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