Hope Always Has a Future

Hope Always Has a Future

quote on luminaria bag - I will live until I die and then my real life will begin.

a row of lit luminaria bags line the dark track at Relay for Life

Luminaria spell out Hope at Relay for Life

Whenever I write a post about hope, my friend Mike comments, "Hope always has a future."

I love that thought.

Hope. Future. Always. Hope always has a future. 

This Friday and Saturday, April 29-30, I will walk the track at Basha High School in Chandler with over 1000 other people as we hope for a future without cancer.

The track will be lined with luminaria bags in honor and in memory of those we love and those we have loved and lost to this relentless disease.

A bag for my mom, Lois Hankins.

My dad, Stan Hankins.

My mother-in-law, Lil Hartke.

My father-in-law, Erv Hartke.

For countless friends. Renee. Tami. Joe. Alan. Holly. Chris. Dave. Vivian. Lori. Jan. Tina. Amy. Benjamin. Sue. Paula.

For me.

As we walk all night we will remember, we will celebrate life, and we will fight back.

And we will HOPE.

Because hope always has a future.

"These three remain: faith, hope and love...." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Chandler Relay for Life details on April 29-30, 2016

If you are not interested in registering or walking all night at Relay for Life, members of the community are welcome to come for a few hours. Please join us! The Opening Ceremony with survivor lap is at 6:00 pm on April 29. The luminaria ceremony is at 9:30 pm that evening.If you would like to join my team, Living Proof, or donate a luminaria in the name of someone you love, or donate funds, please click this link for Living Proof. If you are reading this and want to donate to a different team or individual, follow the process on Chandler Relay for Life’s main page.

Hope always has a future.


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