I Really Don't Live in My Classroom

Yesterday I was getting signatures at an Easter Extravaganza at Snediger Park with my husband, Kevin, collecting the needed number of names to get on the ballot in his run for Chandler's City Council. Many young families came out on a beautiful spring day, playing Easter-themed games, jumping in bouncy houses and getting their picture taken with the Easter bunny.

The pinnacle of the morning was the Easter egg hunt where children (and parents with strollers) scurried across the ball fields, trying to find some goodies to take home.

It is always fun for me to attend family-orientated events in the community because I usually come in contact with some of my preschool students. Without exception, they are always astonished to see me outside of the classroom. They peek out behind the legs of their mother, wide-eyed and shy as the mom tries to get them to acknowledge my presence - "Look there's Mrs. Lynne!" - usually without success.

You see, the children are convinced that I live in my classroom.

They don't know what to do when they see me wearing jeans and flip flops, drinking a frozen lemonade and walking around like a normal person. It is beyond their comprehension that I have a life outside those four walls.

This morning, I attended the sunrise service and heard again the beautiful story of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, the very cornerstone of my faith. I was reminded of Jesus' followers, who had a hard time wrapping their brains around the fact that he was alive again. Like my preschool students, I can imagine them hiding behind the others, wide-eyed and afraid, unsure of how to acknowledge his presence as others proclaim - "Look, it's Jesus. He's not dead. He is risen!"

How difficult to believe that he could walk around like a normal person, asking for something to eat, and showing off his hands and feet; that he had a life beyond the walls of a tomb!

I am thankful that He did!


Tri for A Cure


Today Was a Good Day