Prayers of Those Fighting Cancer This Leap Year

"What will you do with your One More Day?" the first line read from the email.

"You've been given one more day to make a difference in the fight against cancer," the email continued. "What will you do? Recruit another team? Raise another $10? Invite another survivor to the event?"

"What will you do for those who are fighting for One More Day?"

I thought about the email. I am already involved in fundraising, in planning an event to celebrate those in the fight. I thought of a friend who recently told me the doctors had run out of options.

thought of her. I thought of my parents. I thought of other friends battling cancer.

I thought of my extra day and I made my decision.

I will pray, because when it comes down to it, I can only do so much, but there is Someone who can be everywhere I cannot be. At the same time. He understands the hearts of those who are facing this extra day as they face every day - praying and hoping for one more.

When I went on two online cancer support sites and asked them for what I should pray (besides the complete eradication of this disease from our bodies and from this planet), they answered with a long list of requests.

Prayers of Those Fighting Cancer this Leap Year

Pray for peace in my heart to accept my path and strength to continue learning.

Pray for the ability to dwell in uncertainty (a limited space) with hope.

Pray for a grateful spirit, for a heart of kindness and forgiveness.

Pray for eyes to see there is still beauty and purpose in this world.

Pray for healing in body, mind and spirit.

Pray for chemo drugs to lessen the number and intensity of side effects.

Pray that patients and caregivers know that a positive mental attitude can and does help. Pray for the knowledge there is life with cancer and life after cancer.

Pray for not just a cure for cancer, but the cause of cancer, so we can prevent it from ever happening to anyone.

Pray for grace to live with a new normal.

Pray this scripture:  2 Corinthians 1: 3-4:  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Pray for the elimination of pain and the acceptance of the new me.

Pray for joy and thankfulness for each day.

Pray I would learn to live without terror of a recurrence.

Pray for strength for the journey. Strength that comes from God.

Pray for the Caregivers of those caring for a loved one battling this vicious disease.

Pray about my anxiety.

Pray for a less painful treatment. Less painful emotionally, mentally, financially AND physically.

Pray for my family that they would take one step closer to God rather than one step back because of cancer.

On this gift of an extra day, would you join me in praying for those who are hoping for that extra day, again and again? What would your prayers be?


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