A Secret To a Good Marriage

I am dismayed to report that I have lost a major foothold this week in the continual skirmish my husband and I have about his wardrobe.

Sad. But true.

All the jokes I’ve given my husband about his drawstring camping pants from the 1980’s?


All the grief I’ve given my husband about the down jacket he won’t part with (we live in a desert, for heaven’s sake!)?


How could this happen, you ask? Good question.

While hiking in the snow in the Superstitions last week, I became cold, so I pulled a stocking cap out of my pack.

And I wondered, “How long have I had this hat?”

So, I went looking through photos:

Yep. Same hat. 1980.

When we were first dating.

Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of all my leverage dying a painful death!

Life is funny sometimes.

I first met Kevin when he had just graduated with a bio-chem degree. He had taken a year off to work as a wilderness guide before applying to med school.

That was The Plan.

But after we were married, we worked as missionaries among the First Nations peoples, the Cree and Ojibwe, in northern Canada.

Later Kevin took a job as a pastor in Chandler, Arizona.

Several years ago, he added politician to his resume. Tonight, I will stand beside Kevin as he is sworn into office for his second term as a Chandler City Councilmember.

One of the secrets of a good marriage is falling in love a thousand times – always with the same person. We have changed in many ways since the days when we lived in the wilderness and a date meant driving into town to do laundry and drink a cup of the world’s best hot cocoa at Leng’s Café, but one thing has not changed.

We still cheer for each other’s dreams.

Want to join me in celebrating this latest achievement?Tonight (January 8), there will be a community reception at the Vision Gallery from 6-7, followed by the installation at 7 pm in the Council Chambers at Chandler City Hall.

In case you are wondering, I will not be wearing my hat.

Maybe I can still do something about that down jacket!


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