Take Back Valentine's Day

"Have a Happy Valentine's Day this week," I said to two friends as I headed to my car after the morning church service.

"There's nothing happy about Valentine's Day when you're single," complained one.

Her friend agreed.

That stopped me in my tracks. I've heard that complaint before from single friends. They complain that all the red hearts and chocolate candy and bouquets of roses shout the message, "You're single and a loser!"

I couldn't disagree more, which was why I issued the Valentine Challenge last week in my blog.

"So take back the holiday," I said. "Take it back to the days in elementary school when everyone got a valentine. The shy kids. The fat kid. The popular kids. Everyone made a valentine box and everyone got valentines."

Since my Valentine Challenge was fresh on my mind, I may have been a wee bit over enthusiastic in my challenge, because my friends looked at me like I was dressed in a cupid costume, complete with bow and arrow ready to shoot sharp pointy objects in their direction.

I tempered my enthusiasm. "Don't you have someone in your life that you can surprise with a valentine?" I asked. "Someone lonely? Someone sick? Someone who doesn't have family? Why should such a sweet holiday be reduced to a celebration for couples?"

I'm not sure what my friends will decided to do with the holiday this year.

Here is what I have planned:

I teach or volunteer in five children's classes. Valentines for all. I found these fantastic cards that include valentine pencils and the message, "I LONG to be your Valentine."

On Tuesday afternoon I attend a ladies' group. I'm bringing white chocolate cherry valentine cookies. (Check out the recipe. My daughter made them over the weekend. Delicious!)

Tuesday afternoon my husband and I are delivering a valentine balloon bouquet to a friend in the hospital. And we will deliver it with the song, "You Are My Sunshine."

Tuesday evening we will have a home-cooked dinner at home with valentines for family members and chocolate fondue for dessert, a yearly valentine tradition. My husband and I gave up fighting the Valentine crowds at restaurants years ago.

OK, I admit it, I go overboard on Valentine's Day, but it is such a perfect holiday, in my opinion, to show somebody you care.

Who will you give an unexpected valentine to this year? Will you take the Valentine Challenge?  I'd love to hear about it.


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