The Color of Worship

I wrote this article several years ago, but thought it would be appropriate to post since it talks about our grandmother who died today at age 101.

The Color of Worship

Through the years, the church has used different colors to represent certain aspects of our faith. Red represents the blood of Jesus. White for purity. Black for sin or mourning. Blue for the waters of baptism. Green for new life. Purple for the majesty of God.

The colors are used in banners, flags, altar cloths and in beautiful stain glass windows.

While at a recent worship conference, songwriter, Rita Springer, shared a story of when God spoke to her heart, saying, "I will teach you the color of worship." Immediately, Rita could envision all the artistic and creative expressions this could entail and knew God had great things ahead for her. Several months passed, and God began impressing her to love the fatherless like he did.

Later that same year, she stood at a hospital bedside and watched a Zimbabwe child be born. When Rita held her newly adopted, chocolate-brown son in her arms, God whispered, "This is the color of worship."

Micah 6:8 states, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

This, my friends, is worship.

Worship is more than the black and white pages of the songs that we sing on a Sunday morning. It is more than the beautiful colors we use in banners and flags. Worship can be found in a church, yet so desperately needs to be seen and heard in the everyday places of our lives.

Where have you seen the color of worship in your world?

Kevin's grandmother has moved here to be near to us. It has meant extra time and errands for Kevin and me, but we feel it is a small price to pay in exchange for the chance to honor and love this matriarch of the family. Despite times of frustration, my heart is tender toward this woman who is still surprised by our kindness.

I was dropping off Granny last week after spending the afternoon with her at the doctor. As I turned to leave, she hugged me hesitantly, "Thanks kiddo for being so nice to me." Gazing into her faded-gray, cataract-covered eyes, I saw the color of worship.

My husband has a hat that he wears proudly each Saturday when he coaches Zach's soccer team, the Crunch-a-Tigers. (The team name was a result of an unexpected win after most of the team had Captain Crunch cereal for breakfast, after sleeping over at our house.) The hat is made out of Captain Crunch cereal boxes - a gift from the team. It is a sight to behold.

On Saturdays as I watch my husband in his silly cereal-box hat, giving advice to his team of sweaty, eager boys and girls, I see the color of worship.

The color of worship is ultimately found, not in a place, but in people. It can be found in blue eyes. In brown. While holding freckled hands or sunburned ones.

The color of worship is found as we become Christ in our worlds. Diapering babies. Helping with homework. Visiting the sick. Helping a neighbor. Making a phone call. The color of worship can be found in the songs that we sing and in the deeds that we do.

The resulting rainbow of worship rises as a pleasing sacrifice to the very throne of God. And it is beautiful.

Granny with Kevin, Thanksgiving 2009. She always had her purse whenever she left the house. I loved her beautiful thick hair!


Hug Me With Both Arms


A Prayer For Granny