Toilet Paper Dreams

If you could win a lifetime supply of something, what would it be?

That was the question posed by the host of the game show my kids were watching, The Family Feud. One hundred people were surveyed, and the top four answers are listed below. I found this glimpse into the random thoughts of one hundred people thought-provoking.

Before you read the responses, stop and think for a moment: how would you have answered? (Suspenseful pause)


The number one answer? Money.

Great answer. I like the out-of-the-box thinking of this group of people. By choosing cash they opened up the possibilities to not just one item, but a limitless supply of countless items. These folks seem capable of dreaming big dreams and having big plans.

Answers two and three, were food and clothes, respectively.

I see this combined group as safe and predictable thinkers who played by the rules. They figured they got to choose only one item, so they chose something practical that is also costly when multiplied over time.

What's your guess on the number four answer? I figured it was gasoline, but I was wrong. The answer? Toilet paper.

Yes, you read that right. Toilet paper.

In a world of options, who chooses toilet paper?

If a genie would grant you three wishes, would bathroom tissue even make your list? I couldn't believe it!

But wait, let's be honest. We've all had days, and even seasons, when we are just trying to survive. When we are down to the very basics of life, like toilet paper. When we can't focus on big dreams or out-of-the-box thinking, because we are caught in day-to-day reality. When we spend all our time cleaning up life's messes rather than seeing the world of opportunity before us.

Sometimes, I think, each of us settle for toilet paper dreams.

cheaper by the dozen

used once, then thrown away

cleaning up life's messes


one more day

toilet paper dreams

King David wrote many centuries ago, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

What are your desires? Your dreams? Are they out-of-the-box dreams? Practical dreams? Toilet paper dreams? Where do you find yourself?


A Pile of Rocks


A Pause Between Movements