Too Little Plastic Wrap

Earlier this week I was putting leftovers in the refrigerator after dinner. When I went to the drawer containing tupperware, I couldn't find any lids to match the containers that were in there -- which is par for the course around our house. No matter how many times I throw out the mismatched plastic pieces, more appear the next day. It's kinda like missing socks in the dryer.

Having no luck with the tupperware, I got out the roll of Glad Wrap, only to find it was almost empty. Not to be discouraged, I took that last little bit of plastic wrap and tried to get it to fit on my bowl of tomato salad.

I stretched it this way and that way. I got one side to stick, only to have the opposite side pull away. When my hands slipped, I managed to keep the bowl from crashing on the floor, but could not prevent bits of onion, tomato and basil from sailing across the counter.

I finally had to just put the bowl in the fridge with the plastic wrap stretched as tight as possible but still not getting the job done.

Do you ever feel like a stretched out piece of plastic wrap? Stretched to the max, but still falling short?

In the movie The Lord of the Rings, Bilbo Baggins complains, "I feel... thin. Sort of stretched, like... butter scraped over too much bread."





Have you found yourself there?

I have. I continually struggle with the challenge of a full schedule. I keep telling myself that things will ease when the elections are over, but I know from past experience, that something else will be waiting to take its place. I will need to be mindful, wise and prayerful to continually look for ways to relax and rest - to find a bit more plastic wrap to cover my life.

How about you?


Skipping Rocks


The Many Hats We Wear