Under a Desert Sky: I Want More Time

A section taken from the book, Under a Desert Sky, as I struggle with wanting more time.

As I place the mug in the microwave, my finger pauses over a control button: Add 30 Seconds.

Right there. Under the number nine. A button I have never noticed before.

Add 30 Seconds.

I’d like to yank the button off the microwave and stick it to my life. Our lives. And not to minor items like the dashboard of my car so when the stoplight turns yellow, I can hit the button and sail through the intersection. As much as I’d like to add it to my morning schedule when chaos reigns as our youngest tries to get out to marching band practice before the sun rises, I would not waste the button there....

The microwave beeps. Heated mug in hand, I stand by the large picture windows in my parents’ living room. I trace my finger along the finished oak trim. This. This is where I’d like to place the button, so when Mom gazes out at the neighboring fields, she can give the button a tap. Every evening, when Dad makes one more round to make sure each door and window is locked, he can push the button. While I stand here, I can push the button once. Or twice. Or a thousand times....

I want more time, but more is never satisfied. More has no definable boundaries, so it is never full. We push, pull, drive, and squeeze time seeking more. Thirty more seconds. But more runs ahead of us. Always. Right beyond our grasp. More is not a word for this side of life....

More is a word for eternity.


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**Section is taken from Lynne Hartke, Under a Desert Sky: Redefining Hope, Beauty, and Faith in the Hardest Places (Grand Rapids: Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2017), p 44-45. 


Under a Desert Sky: Death is Always Prelude to a Resurrection


Under a Desert Sky: The Day Cancer Stole My Words