Waiting for a God Encounter

I begin most days on the corner of the couch, with the blinds open, watching the morning dawn chase away shadow. Dog at my feet. Earl Grey tea cooling on the table. Journal open.

I pause. I wait.

Before me is a day just being birthed into infancy.

I take a moment to reflect, to ask that today, my heart would gradually catch fire, so that at the end of the day, I can be like the Emmaus disciples in Luke 24, who had their eyes opened to see that it was Jesus who walked with them on their journey; who exclaimed, "Were not our hearts burning within us?"  I want my heart to burn with that revelation. Every day.

According to author Macrina Wiederkehr in Seven Sacred Pauses, "this catching fire, this epiphany experience is also known as a theophany - an experience of God. From dawn to dusk these experiences of the divine surround us. Are we awake to their presence?"

Mornings are more than trying to pry our eyelids open.

More than inhaling a bowl of Lucky Charms.

More than stumbling around in a half-stupor and forcing grumpy children out of their cozy beds (Or our grumpy selves).

More than dashing out the door to face rush-hour traffic.

More than feeling like we are already behind in our day and it's not even 8:00 a.m.

If we take a moment to pause, we can prepare our hearts for a theophany. A God encounter.

Wiederkehr continues, "It is an awakening to the spiritual beings that we are and to the possibilities that await us as we move into this new day."

Today I look for a theophany. Will you join me? 


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