When All You Can Do Is Pray

Our universe is still growing and expanding.

According to this article, "what puzzles astronomers most now is not that the universe is expanding, but that the rate of this expansion seems to be increasing."

The universe is getting bigger.

"What does creation teach you about God?" I asked in my last blog.

A glance into the night sky reveals: The Milky Way holding 50,000 light years of stars.

Three Sisters decorating the belt of Orion.

The bowl of the Big Dipper pointing the way to Polaris, the North Star.

Pegasus, the flying horse, saddled with the star, Markab.

The moon displaying its fullness twice in the month of August, not shining blue again until July 31, 2015.

When God spoke the words, "Let there be light," at the beginning of all foreverness, creation began. Creation began, and it kept on beginning, and is still beginning, new galaxies in an ever-expanding universe.

God's four spoken words created and continue to create. We who are his Image Bearers have this same ability. I'm not talking about our normal words that get lost in chit chat -- in sound bytes, sales pitches and gossip. I'm talking about prayer.

Prayer is where we leave the constraints of the four dimensions of this human existence. Our words propel us into the realm of the supernatural, where logic and facts do not have the final say.

"The supernatural laws of prayer defy the natural laws of time and space." - Mark Batterson

Like the words, "Let there be light," our prayers keep going out, keep going out,

keep going out,

performing God's will in ways we cannot imagine and will not totally see until we reach the other side.

What does creation teach me about God?

I am not helpless when faced with problems bigger than my universe. I can pray God's words.

If the first four words are still creating entire galaxies, who knows what God's words in my mouth can create right here, right now.

When I think, all I can do is pray, I need to remember what ALL means--

All is life-creating words, forming what is not yet into what is.

All is nothingness finding substance.

All is speaking words that will outlive my life.

All is The Star Namer who is big enough.


Psalm 147:4-5, The Lord counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.


A Time Capsule of Letters


In a Season of Very Much Too Big