When the Word Becomes Flesh

Back in August, I put a sticky note in my journal with a reminder to write a blog in December about something I had jotted down on the pages. From my journal:

John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh, and made his dwelling among us...."

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was called to carry the Word made flesh. Saying "yes" to that plan, involved a huge surrender on Mary's part.

As followers of Christ, we too are Word carriers. Through our lives, we demonstrate who Christ is to those around us.

In the book, Seven Sacred Pauses, by Macrina Wiederkehr, she reflects on this time in Mary's life and asks:

What kind of surrender is happening in you?

Do you ever experience being called by a Word larger than your understanding?

What is the newest Word that has become flesh in you, dwelling deep in the recesses of your being?

In answer to the questions, I wrote,

The word, trust, is a word larger than my understanding.

The words, fear not, are words larger than my understanding.

The date in my journal was August 23, 2012. The day my mom was diagnosed with cancer. These words are still being made flesh in me.

How would you answer the questions?


To Remember Who You Are


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