When We Think We Have All The Words

When We Think We have All The Words

After a long morning of watching the elephants at the zoo, feeding the ducks, riding the train around gangs of pigeons and a zillion pushes on the playground swings, the grandma loaded Big Brother and Little Sister into their car seats for the drive home.

"We will need to tell Mommy all about the morning when we get back to the house," Grandma said.

"I'm not telling anything," Big Brother declared, his mouth filled with fruit snacks.

"Little Sister will tell her," Grandma said.

"No! I will tell her!" flip-flopped the brother. "I will tell her all the things!""

Little Sister will tell too," Grandma said. "You are not the boss of all the words."

"I will do it all!" Big Brother insisted.

"Elephants," said Little Sister.

Communication spiraled downward from there.

Today, in your journey through this world (may I be so bold to say especially on social media?), may we extend grace and not be so afraid that there is not enough:

  • Not enough words

  • Not enough stories

  • Not enough attention

  • Not enough love

that we demand our way at the cost (the price) of the silence of the other.

And if there are elephants in the room that must be discussed, may we do so kindly. 


Count Your Blessings


A Bigger Yes in the Shadow of Weaver's Needle