Who Did You Love Today?

I have run into a little snag.

Since my last blog, Kevin and I have been asking each other, "Who did you love today?"

My husband doesn't like this question. And if my husband, who is a pastor, has trouble with a question about love, I realize I need to take another look at it.

Let me elaborate.

In my day I am mostly surrounded by children and other women. As I reach out in kindness, and smiles and a listening ear, the phrase Who did you love today? works for me.

My husband's day is spent in meetings and strategy sessions with church leaders and city officials. He finds the phrase Who did you love today? a bit awkward. I think he sees visions of hippy beads and peace symbols and people joining hands around a campfire singing Kum Ba Yah. It doesn't work for him.

By asking further questions we realized the concept is sound, it was a matter of phraseology.

I wrote in my last blog that love is the currency of God's kingdom. I could just as easily have written that relationships are the currency. Or people.

Richard Swenson, in the book One Minute of Margin, believes that the more we give and receive love, the more it grows. It doesn't decrease, but it increases. He challenges his readers: "Invest in love. Yield to love....Don't spend your last moments on earth apologizing for your life. Set love in order, beginning today."

People. Relationships. Love.

This is what God values. This is worth our investment.

So while my husband may ask me "Who did you love today?", I now ask him, "Who did you invest in today?"

Two questions. Same concept. It's all about relationships.

Which question works better for you?


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