When the Wind Gets Knocked Clean Out of You

We all have times when the wind gets knocked clean out of us. What do you do? Where do you go to breathe again?

Last week, at its very beginning, in its infancy, a friend of mine entered eternity.

I joined others in the cancer community as we grieved.

We remembered. We hugged.

We honored. We brought food. We sat in silence.

We shared stories. And we said goodbye.

To-do lists were put away. Deadlines scrapped. Priorities changed.

I found myself unable to concentrate on anything.

So, I went to a prayer meeting during my usual writing time so I could be reminded what we believe. I met with my writing professor to give him a signed book and came away encouraged. I called my sister and we ate chocolate and went shopping for a black sweater. I picked up a friend who flew in for the funeral. I dined with family at an ethnic restaurant and held hands and shared life. I texted back and forth with my weekly life group. About someone's new baby. A marriage. A challenging season.

I stepped closer into community.

And there, only there, was I able to find the air I needed.

Sometimes when the wind has been knocked clean out of you, you need others to remind you to breathe.

This week, bit by bit, I am putting back the pieces of routine. It has been difficult.

Click here for a pdf download of "Dear Friend Who Has Cancer."


When You Find Yourself in Autumn Endings


In Honor and Memory of my Friend Alan Zaben, the Giant Slayer