Words From Mom on Katelyn’s 18th Birthday

Last year we were driving one of your band friends home from school and somewhere in the conversation he said to you: “You know, you’re the only person besides my mom who asks about my day.”

You laughed, “So you’re saying I remind you of your mother.”

“No, no. You’re just the only one who asks me.”

“Because I want to know.”

These five words describe so well how you view the world in which you live: because you want to know. And more specifically, how you care for the people who live in that world: because you want to know.

Ever since you were a very little girl, people have fascinated you. I often wondered how you got any school work done, because when you came home you were full of chatter about everyone in the classroom.

Who was mad at whom.

Which boy liked which girl.

Who was having a bad day.

Forget studying math or English, you studied people.

When you were in fourth grade, your teacher told me that when she had to leave suddenly for the day, she left this note for the substitute: “If you need to know anything about anyone, just ask Katelyn Hartke.”

One of the names of God in the book of Genesis is The God who Sees. As a child of God, this is one of the gifts that he has given you. You see people. People intrigue you. You are genuinely interested in them and it shows.

We live in a world that promotes distance, builds fences, buys locks, and doesn’t talk on elevators. But you are just the opposite. You listen. You talk to people. When someone is with you, they feel there is nothing else you would rather be doing. And nowhere else you would rather be.

And they would be right.

Happiest of birthdays my Katelyn. You are an incredible gift to me as your mom and to your family and friends.

I love you.


Kill The Robins


Humming Along