A Pair of Eyeglasses for the Heart

When I was in junior high, the social studies teacher gave us new seating assignments. I moved from sitting in the front row to the back. After we all settled into our new seats, the teacher started the lesson for the day. He asked me to read a sentence written on the board.

I squinted.

The words were fuzzy.

I leaned forward, as far as possible, in my desk.

It was no use. I could not read what was written on the board.

Sometime, without my knowledge, my eyesight had changed.

I needed glasses.

At the time, dealing with acne and hair that was always stupid and a body that still wasn't maturing, I was convinced that wearing glasses would be the end of the world. Little did I know, the world that was about to open up to me.

Today, more than 35 years later, I can still remember the wonder I experienced when I put on my new glasses and later that night, looked up at the evening sky.

The stars were brilliant.  They danced and sparkled against an ebony backdrop.

When was the last time I saw the stars?

 I thought. I could not remember.

My eyes had changed so gradually that I had not noticed the dullness, the loss of clarity.

Last week my daughter got new glasses and posted on Facebook, "Every time I get new glasses, I think, 'Is this how normal people see ALL the time?' Amazing."

I think it is sobering when we realize we have been walking around half-blind and did not even know it.

That half-blindness can spread into our spiritual lives as well.

The worry, busyness and speed of life can dull our senses until we walk around with fuzzy attitudes and out-of-focus priorities.

So what can we do?

Look for reasons to be thankful.

Gratitude is a pair of eyeglasses for the heart, sharpening our senses to discover the goodness of God in the every day life around us.

Eyes zeroed in on the moment, wide-open to the truth of now, discovering God in the mystery of today.

Romans 1:21 tells of a people that once knew God, but their hearts became darkened when they did not honor him as God by giving thanks.

Thankfulness may seem like a small thing, but it is serious business. Thankfulness honors God as the One to whom we give thanks, acknowledging his hand in our lives.

Without gratitude, we walk around half-blind, groping to find our way.

-From my archives


Update on Mom:

Mom had a new round of chemo yesterday. Easy schmeezy. The hardest part was taking the steroid beforehand due to the side effect of insomnia. She woke up at 11:30 pm and was up the remainder of the day. We are settling into the new normal. We haven't quite figured out what that normal is, but we are hopeful that we will eventually arrive! Thank you for your prayers. You are making a difference.


I am thankful for:

1. a chemo with minimal side effects.

2. a  memory foam mattress

3. knowledgeable nurses


Healthy Additions and Purposeful Subtractions


Calming Words in a Spazz-Out Time