Calming Words in a Spazz-Out Time

One month ago my mother had a heart attack.

One month ago she was helicoptered to Mayo clinic and met by a surgery team.

One month ago she had a stent put in her heart.

One month ago I got on a plane and wondered if I would make it in time.

One month ago Mom got an E-coli infection in her blood.

One month ago Mom thought buttons were of the devil.

One month ago I was overwhelmed by what-if's and fear and the overwhelmedness of it all. I was absolutely spazzing out as I verbally processed with my brother on the phone.

My brother said to me, "In one month we will know."

Those words were a settling place to the chaos of my soul. When I didn't know what would happen with my mom's health or her residence or her future or anything and the stress sat like a weight on my chest in the dark hours of the night, I would hear, "In one month we will know."

So here we month later.

One month ago in ICU. The only picture without lipstick. (But she is wearing earrings)

One month later. At Katelyn's 21st birthday celebration in Arizona.

Today I am thankful for my brother's words that brought sanity, clarity and peace. One month later, Mom is out of the hospital, out of rehab, has a new doctor, has packed up her belongings in a handful of suitcases and is living across the country with our family. Whew! What a month!I would love to hear about words that brought hope and life to you.

Proverbs 25:11 "A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver."


on your journey of faith,

I pray for golden apple words

from your mouth

and to your ears


Please pray for Mom who starts a new chemo on Wednesday. The last time she had chemo was one month ago, the day of her heart attack.


30 Day Thankfulness Challenge

1. For golden apple words

2. For verbal processing with a brother

3. For one month later


A Pair of Eyeglasses for the Heart


Living Life Zoomed In