Do THIS in Remembrance of Me

Adapted from my archives two years ago, the beginning of my dad's cancer journey....

Today words put on skin

and lived out the mystery.

The mystery of faith. The walking out of belief.

The THIS in remembering.

As in:

"Do this in remembrance of me."


Luke 22:19.

The words Jesus told his disciples at the Last Supper, an event we remember and celebrate this Holy Week. The words still murmured during communion from countless lips throughout the centuries.

What exactly is THIS?

It is more than wine. It is more than bread. It is more than remembering what Christ DID.

It is a call to LIVE as Christ lived. Word taking on skin.  Word becoming bone and sinew. 

And blood. A sacrifice. A mystery.

Our lives broken and poured out. Faith must be more than words, beliefs, Bible verses.

Do THIS in remembrance of me.

THIS is Ellen going across the street to talk to my parents' neighbors and getting phone numbers "just in case." THIS is the neighbor saying he will come anytime day or night.

THIS is the same neighbor plowing my parents' driveway this winter so when they got home from their treatments, they could pull right into the garage.

THIS is my mom sending updates by email so we could be prayerfully connected although thousands of miles away.

THIS is cousins and nieces and nephews and uncles and aunts and friends and neighbors and people all over the world who pray for my parents.

THIS is Nora, Cheryl, Rosie, Stephanie, Margie, Kathy, Sam, Dave, Barb, Sheri, Elizabeth, Jim, Brenda, Julie, Lyn, Becky, Lori, Tami, Joan, Ellen and countless others who called me or emailed me or sent messages on Facebook.

THIS is doctors and nurses who have performed the miraculous again and again, who are a picture of active compassion.

THIS is my dad, at peace and joking with the doctors and nurses, living out that laughter IS the best medicine.

That is what



Do THIS in remembrance of me.

Taken last week. Dad and I are both involved in Relay for Life, a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. I Relay for more of Dad's Ole and Lena jokes. I Relay for laughter in spite of cancer.


When You are Robbed


When You are the Unwelcomed Visitor