Every Day and Everyday Gratitude Challenge: Day 5: Entrance Cues

With copy edits done, I chatted with real people yesterday. My daughter and I went to the mall to replenish my tea supply. She gave me fashion advice, because even writers need clothes for the outer world.

Two women opened their hearts to me about the difficult season of empty-nesting and adjusting to a new reality. I have experienced pieces of this reality as three of my four have moved out, a dress rehearsal of sorts to the opening night when the curtains open and my husband and I realize we are the only two people on the stage. Just standing there. Alone.

At least, that is what it feels like. Until we look in the wings where others are waiting offstage for their entrance cue.

Today I am grateful for entrance cues in the hard life dramas we sometimes find ourselves living.

My advice today: Look to the wings!


Every Day and Everyday Gratitude: A Construction Paper Hippo


Every Day and Everyday Gratitude Challenge: Day 4: Deloria