A Father's Words for His Daughters: A Legacy Scrapbook

More than a decade ago, I made an offer to the mom of my daughter's best friend:

"Would you like me to make a scrapbook of Mike's memories and thoughts for the girls?"

Mike had been battling cancer a long time and was nearing the end of that journey.

Tori and I came up with a list of questions and over the next couple weeks, Mike and Tori completed the list. (I write that in a simple sentence, but kudos to the two of them. Tori gathered the stories in the middle of doctor visits, a spiraling-pit-of-an-emergency-room day, raising two girls and overwhelming life.) She collected Mike's thoughts and memories, along with a stack of photos, and handed it all to me.

Two weeks later, the legacy scrapbook was finished.

I say this, because most of us have stacks of photos just sitting in boxes waiting for Some Day. And many of us want to capture our stories and memories, or the stories and memories of someone we love, but we put it off for Some Day. 

Can I just interject some hard reality here:

Some Day never happens.

Forget about the 50 years of photos in a box. Forget about every memory and story you have that you want to write down.

Choose a few stories.

Choose a few memories.

Choose a few photos.

Collect them and put together a 24-page legacy scrapbook like the one that Mike left for his girls. (See below.)  Stop waiting for Some Day.

How to Put Together a 24-Page Legacy Scrapbook


  • 12 x 12 album. (The scrapbook featured in this post was created before digital albums were popular. The advantage to a digital album would be that you could easily make duplicate copies for other children and grandchildren, but if scanning photos and loading them all to a program is overwhelming and will make you put off the project, do an old-fashioned album like this one.)
  • 12 x 12 paper in various colors and designs.
  • Adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Archival markers (I typed much of this album because I was doing it for someone else. As a gift for a family member, handwriting is valuable and treasured, provided it is legible!!)
  • Embellishments
  • Photos (There are 65 photos in this album).
  • Collected memories and stories

Intro Page - Page 1 

Who is the scrapbook for? What is a favorite quote or saying? This goes on the first page, along with a family photo or pictures of you with the intended recipient.

Mike chose a quote from a book about one of his life heroes, Coach John Wooden: "No written word, nor spoken plea can teach our youth what they should be. Nor all the books on all the shelves. It's what the teachers are themselves."

Growing Up Memories: Pages 2-3 

Mike didn't include many growing up memories for this scrapbook. His focus were on his memories and thoughts for his daughters. I would keep these pages to a minimum and save it for a second family history album. (But no thinking of a second album right now!!! Focus! Focus! Family members would rather have a few photos and memories than nothing at all.) I like the list of life lessons that Mike learned from his family:

I learned the importance of education.

I learned of family love and togetherness, especially of late.

I learned the value of finding the right person to spend the rest of my life with.

Scrapbook Spread Page 2 3

Scrapbook page 2

Scrapbook page 3

Twenty Things I Love: Pages 4-7    

Mike provided Tori with a list of 20 things that he loved. We put it under the heading, "I Love Being a Dad and 20 Other Things I Love." I then took all the photos of Mike through the years and did a 4-page spread. Without long paragraphs, the photos captured the fact that he was an athlete, teacher and a coach, in addition to being a dad, brother, husband and father.

I love being a husband.

I love humor, especially found in everyday life.

I love teaching.

scrapbook page 20 things

Scrapbook page I love being a dad

Memories for Each Child/Grandchild: Pages 8-13    

I did a three-page spread of Mike's memories of each of his daughters when they were little, along with photos. Again, the goal is to get something in an album, not try to write an autobiography or to make up for the baby book you never got around to finishing! Below is one page of each of the spreads.

I remember your beautiful smile. 

I remember you learned to run before you could walk.

scrapbook Tate as child

Scrapbook Riley as child

Thoughts About Each Child Today: Pages 14-16  

Mike answered the question, "When I look at you today, I see..." for each of his girls and I included those thoughts in the next four pages of the scrapbook. It could also be a place to list characteristics, talents, and God-given gifts you see in a child or grandchild. 

When I look at you today, I see a girl growing into womanhood with beauty, style, and grace.

When I look at you today, I see a confidant, caring and outgoing girl.

scrapbook close up Tate

scrapbook Riley older

Why Do You Love Your Spouse?: Pages 17-20  

Both Mike and Tori included thoughts on why they love each other. The original, handwritten notes for this question are kept in the back of the album, as a treasured, personal memory.

I love to watch my wife shift the spotlight to everyone else in the room, even though she is clearly the most beautiful person - on the inside and out - in the room.

I love knowing that you touched many people's lives.

Scrapbook Mike Tori

Scrapbook Why I love your mom

Scrapbook page why i love your dad

 A Favorite Quote, Poem, Personal Story or Scripture Verse: 21

Mike wanted to include a copy of his favorite poem, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. He added the note, "I read this poem at your Grammy's funeral."

Words of Wisdom and Advice: Pages 22-23

Mike's girls were still in elementary school at the time this album was created. His wife asked him for his advice to the girls on boys and dating, high school, college and career, driving, and about the future. I love his advice for their future: "Enjoy life!"

Scrapbook page advice

Scrapbook advice on dating

Scrapbook future page

Final Page: Page 24

The final page is for one more family photo and a favorite quote. It would also be a great place to place a blessing, prayer or hope for your children or grandchildren. For Mike's album, we used the quote, "Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same" by Flavia Weedn.

There you go! A 24-page legacy scrapbook that is doable, beautiful and a keepsake for future generations.

(Thank you to Tori for allowing me to take photos of their album and for graciously sharing Mike's words for his daughters to the world. Your girls live out so beautifully Mike's legacy in their lives.)

Want some tools to get started? Keep reading. Some Day has arrived!


Free Download! New Blog Series!

Join a Facebook Group of Legacy Story Writers!!

If you are thinking of putting together a similar album and wonder what questions to use to stir memories, I have created a 26-page free download entitled, My Words in Our Story.My Words in Our Story is a series of questions, writing prompts, journaling pages, and memory triggers for those wanting to capture personal stories for the next generation. The questions are divided into 18 categories and include the typical queries about childhood, school experiences and job choices. The free download  also includes personal questions to be answered for each child/grandchild. (Similar to the questions used in Mike's scrapbook for his girls.)Click for the link for the free download to My Words in Our Story.My Words Cover PagePlease feel free to share this blog post so others can access the free download. It will make me, my agent, and my publisher happy! Lesson from Parents My WordsPosessions My WordsAccomplishments My WordsChildhood My Words 

Again: Free Download of My Words in Our Story.

This is the beginning of a series on collecting legacy stories. You might also enjoy: Valentine's Day Memory ScrapbookNoted: Legacy Story GatheringRolling Pin Memories: A Legacy StoryThe Spreading Power of Kindness Creating ShadowBoxes of MemoriesJoin the conversation!If you don't want to miss any postings, please sign up for email notifications. If you found me on Facebook, we all know that FB decides what makes the News Feed and some days you won't find me. You can click on the box half-way down the margin on the right. (And be sure to click that you are not a robot!) By following, you will also keep up-to-date on when my book about discovering God in difficult realities like cancer comes out with Revell in 2017!!!! (This reason alone should make you want to follow the blog, because this news is awesome!)We Can be Heroes Relay For Life

You can find info for Chandler Relay for Life here.   

24-Page Legacy Scrapbook



Valentine's Day Memory Scrapbook


An Encounter with a Cactus and Sufficient Grace