Five Little Toes

Yesterday my Houdini dog got around all the netting and stakes and barricades and dug up the flower bed. Again.

I was not a happy camper.

After cleaning up the garden mess, I went inside to start dinner. I opened the fridge and moved a gallon bag of chili.

The bag unsealed and there was chili everywhere. On the fridge shelf. Spilling into the vegetable drawer. Seeping and creeping it's way into little crevasses and ledges.

A big mess.

I sat down to continue my list of reasons for Giving Thanks as part of my response to reading One Thousand Gifts and I was stumped.

Until I remembered. I had five reasons to be thankful.

Micah Jame's Five Toes

I love this image of my yet-to-be-born grandson's perfect little toes. All five of them.

510. Five little toes to play This Little Piggie Went to Market. And to cry, "Whee, Whee, Whee all the way home."

511. Five little toes that will make little boy noise. Splash in puddles. Stomp through the house. Jump on sidewalk cracks.

512. Five little toes to climb mountains.

513. Five little toes to follow in his dad's footsteps. (I need to pause and contemplate the miracle of this - my first-born son is having a first-born son.)

514. Five little toes that bear the fingerprints of God. (See Psalm139)

Five more reasons to give thanks.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.  - Psalm 107:1


Glass Bottles


Walking on a Tightrope Wire