No Longer Waiting for Someday

When I retired from overseeing the worship ministry, the church presented me with a nice bonus check. “How are you going to spend the money?” friends asked.

“I plan to invest it in a dream,” was my answer.

With that thought in mind, last week, I entered a college classroom for the first time in two decades to take a creative writing course. For years I had told myself that I would do it “someday”, but the demands of being a mom, wife and worship leader kept pushing that dream into the background. I figured I had all the time in the world to accomplish it, but having cancer made me reevaluate my future goals.

The book, What Cancer Cannot Do, by the Zondervan Corporation, claims that cancer can actually give courage, because “we’ve confronted the biggest bully of our lives - cancer – and survived, and that gives us the courage to face other intimidators.”

For me that meant it was time to stop putting off a someday dream. On my first day of class, I walked into the kitchen and found this basket waiting for me on the table from my daughter, Aleah, a college student herself at ASU. The basket included school supplies, chocolate for when I got stressed with homework, and goldfish crackers to share with my new friends. (I love that girl!)

I’m following a someday dream. I have people who believe in me. And I’m smiling.

What is your someday dream?


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