How To Make a Goal A Reality

This summer I am writing a novel.

There. I said it. No more waffling,

or saying I might write a novel. Or that I'm thinking about writing a novel.

This summer I am writing a novel. The first 100 pages.

Putting it here on my blog, for all the world to see, is one step in the process.

Whether writing a novel, learning a new skill or developing a new habit, I have found there are common steps to making a goal a reality.


1. Start Small.

I started by blogging one day a week. Then twice a week. Currently I blog three times a week, re-working an archival blog for one of the posts. Now I'm focusing on the marathon goal of a novel.

Just like exercise, when you use the muscle of a new skill, it can become more a part of your routine and you can begin to see yourself increasing in quantity and endurance.

2. Tell Yourself it is Valuable.

Part of the novel writing process for me was convincing myself that creating stories was important. Valuable. As valuable as attending a meeting or teaching a class.

If you cannot convince yourself that your new goal or skill is valuable, you will never find time on your calendar to pursue it.

3. Schedule Time.

Get out your calendar. Use a permanent pen and schedule time for your goal on your calendar. If it's only 15 minutes, write it down. If you can find 2 hours, write it down. If you need to revise your schedule so in six months you can take a class or get an evening free, make it happen.

I used to write only when I felt inspired. What I wrote was good, but I didn't write very often. Now I sit down to write to discover what is inside me that is waiting to be written. Huge difference.

4. Move Out of Magic Land.

I used to feel I couldn't write until I had time to do it full-time (whatever that meant). I was waiting for this magic chunk of time to appear on my calendar. Didn't happen, so I didn't write.

Now I realize that I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mother, a grandmother, a volunteer, an advocate for the American Cancer Society and for child literacy, a preschool music teacher, a wife to a pastor and a politician, a woman of faith, AND a writer. This is my reality. It's not perfect and at times I wear too many hats and juggle too many things, but in the midst of all the jumbledness - I write.

5. Be Accountable.

First, you have to be accountable to yourself. Set goals and stick to them. I have a notebook where I write down weekly writing goals. Announcing on my blog that I am writing a novel is one way of making myself accountable. I also have some writing friends who read my stuff and give me feedback.

Whatever works for you, find a way to be accountable.

So, this summer I am writing a novel. What goals are you pursuing? What is one step you can take to make it a reality? 


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