Lost on the Road Less Traveled

While on vacation last week in Missouri, we found ourselves traveling in the country down tree-lined twists and turns, past isolated farms on dirt roads that meandered around small lakes as we tried to decipher the directions that were supposed to take us to our niece's wedding.

Even google maps was confused.

Normally it would be a location worthy of adventure,

of discovering beauty,

but have you ever noticed,

it is a challenge to appreciate the adventure and beauty

on the road less traveled

when you think you are lost?

So what will you do today if you find yourself on such a road--a detour at work,

a bend in a conversation,

a side trip on a project,

a bump in a relationship?

Will you


Get anxious?

Stop and look for beauty?

Open your heart to adventure?

Enjoy the journey?

Ask for directions?

A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9


Why I Write


How To Make a Goal A Reality