In the Beginning: A Story

In the beginning of all foreverness, God became tired with all the darkness and told his first story.*

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that it was good.         -the first story (Genesis 1:1-4)

Now God, being God, could have chosen any way he wanted to combat the darkness, but he chose words.

Fast forward a bunch of years ....

Father God wraps his words with swaddling and puts his Word in a manger.

The Word became a human being. He made his home with us (John 1:14 NIRV).

Jesus came to remind people of the words his Father had spoken.

Words of life.


Words of eternal foreverness.

In the end, Jesus gave it all. And like his Father before him, Jesus took on the darkness with his life and with the words,

It is finished (John 19:30 NAS).

Wait a minute! That wasn't the end. As Steven James says in Story, "The sunrise of Easter had its origin at the dawn of time when darkness fled before the words of God."

So now what?

God still uses words.

People continue to struggle to accept LIFE, as they pursue their own stories and their ears (and hearts) are clogged to hearing God's words.

Which is where you come in. And me.

We are Carriers Of the Words.

Words of life.


Eternal foreverness.


do you have the courage


let yourself be spoken?**


* from Story by Steven James

** from Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning


Unbreakable Ties


Swallowing a Waterfall