On the Roller Coaster (Update Oct 23)

Hi peeps,

Taking another ride on the roller coaster today. After the sobering report of yesterday, did not really expect to arrive at the rehab center to hear they are releasing Mom on Saturday to return home as long as someone is staying with her.

This is the absurdity of my mom's medical condition. She has rebounded fabulously in two weeks from the mini strokes and heart attack. She fried an egg today in OT - one of the final tests before being dismissed. She uses the walker only for balance. She typed an email to the family tonight - short, and with many corrections, but she did it. As a former typing teacher, that is a skill she has sorely missed.

Outwardly she is beautiful, gracious, articulate and does not appear ill. Inwardly, the cancer is progressing. We are still trying to get a handle on the pain. As long as she stays ahead of it, she does well.

Today she mentioned she might not wait to do chemo here in MN. She may leave sooner for AZ and start treatment there. (Friends of Mom's - take note.)

A day of therapy and filling out forms and interviews so she can go home. A day of many friends, including my maid of honor from our wedding 32 years ago. (Thanks Sheri, the snickerdoodles were amazing!)

God has spoken once,

Twice I have heard this:

that power belongs to God

Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy. (Psalm 62:11-12)

Praying for the power and mercy of God in my circle tonight.

Reasons to be thankful:

1. For Ellen who prepared Mom's flower beds for winter, for the anticipation of spring blooms.

2. For friends who drive and pray and bring cookies.

3. The promise of home.


We Have a Doctor (an update Oct 24)


Update on Mom Evening of October 15