Update on Mom Evening of October 15

Hi friends and family

Happiness alert!!

Hospital stay coming to an end!

Grandbaby is born!

Doing a quick update tonight because tomorrow Mom is being moved from the hospital to a temporary care facility in her hometown where she will continue to receive occupational and physical therapy. For all you Albert Leans, I will post the location tomorrow. Still not sure on the place.

Her infection has responded to a pill form of antibiotic which makes her release possible. She was on an IV antibiotic, but most facilities won't take a patient still on an IV of meds.

Today was spent waiting for one thing - the birth of mom's 5th great-grandchild and my 2nd grandchild.

Madelyn Nicole came in this afternoon after 40 hours of labor, weighing 7 # 6 oz and measuring 20.5 inches. I don't have all the details, but I spent all last night and today texting my son with the latest updates and keeping Mom in the loop.

She prayed often.

I wish my arms were large enough to spread across a continent.

But my love is.

And my prayers.

I might not get to hold Madelyn when she is one day old, but today I get to hold the hand of my mom while she is with me.

And that is a good thing.

My son with Madelyn in Arizona.


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