One Day in the Clouds

While in Hawaii I expected to see the ocean's vastness.

Gigantic trees

Exotic rain forest flowers

But I did not expect to see clouds come down to earth as we drove on a shortcut across the Island. As the elevation increased, we could see the white clouds in the distance as they hovered on the horizon and soon were all around us, making me feel like we were on the top of the world.

I craned my neck so I could see the enveloping clouds from all angles. I couldn't help but feel we had touched the very edges of heaven, as if in that brief pause in time, heaven and earth kissed each other and we were witnesses to that intimate moment.

And as with all big-wondrous-awesome things, my camera could not do justice to the panoramic views.

But I tried anyway.

If you are a regular blog reader, you know how I love being out in nature. It puts my life into perspective.

I find myself




I realize once more I am a created one

And that there is a Creator.

And it's a good thing.

Ann Voskamp writes in One Thousand Gifts about standing "before immensity that heightens my smallness." She adds, "In all things large and spectacular, we recognize glimpses of home and the call to our own deeper chemistry."

I found that moment,

Captured that heart glimpse,

Heard the eternal reminder,


In the clouds.


Do You Live in A Fault Zone?


Small Seed Beginnings