Resolutions vs Riskolutions

I pulled into the driveway the other day at the same time my neighbor was getting her mail out of her mailbox. We exchanged pleasantries and soon she was sharing some struggles she was having with her family.

I should offer to pray for her.

The thought kept running through my mind.

But my tongue seemed to be glued to the top of my mouth.

I'm not at church, I'm standing in front of the mailbox. She'll think I'm weird. I have ice cream melting in the car.

I was still making excuses and over-analyzing things in my brain when she walked back into her house. I'll have no way of knowing what might have happened if I had listened to the promptings of my heart.

Has this ever happened to you?

The group Dare To Share sent out an email at the beginning of the year, that talked about the difference between resolutions and riskolutions. According to them, resolution means "resolving to change through your own will power."

Riskolution means "offering God 365 opportunities to use you in ways you never thought possible."

The article went on to say that the Bible is full of people no different, better, smarter or more spiritual than you or me. The difference is they opened up their lives to be used by God.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9

It's not exactly January 1, but my riskolution this year is to say "yes" to those God promptings inside my heart. I'm curious what unimaginable things I will discover.


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