Why Stories and Songs are not Meant to Be Sung Alone

Today on the blog, I share why I believe in the value of people's stories and the importance of not singing victory songs alone. Also at the end, I have something to share for local people in regard to a storytelling event. 


Why Stories and Songs are not Meant to Be Sung Alone

In my book, Under a Desert Sky, I tell a story about my dad singing his final solo in the church, his sanctuary of faith, in the farming community where he lived for half a century.

His feet dragged as he pushed his walker one-handed. His left arm swung uselessly next to his body; his limbs communicated a story all their own.

Mom got a glass of water and placed it next to his good side. Radiation had destroyed the ability of his mouth to make saliva and the tumors in his brain had begun to affect his vocal cords, yet the teller of stories had one final tale to tell.

“I checked the obituaries this morning,” Dad quipped “I’m not dead yet.”

The congregation laughed. Hesitantly. Dad had asked to speak to his neighbors and friends, a Last Lecture type of thing,* after my sister, Renae, had encouraged him to share his final thoughts and blessings for those he would leave behind.

In my book, I detailed Dad's message of praise to God and thanks to my mom, his helpmate of over fifty-five years.  I threw in a few Sven and Ole jokes for good measure, my dad's favorite Norwegian rascals.

Dad was a weaver of tales. Some of my youngest memories were of him sitting at the table at my grandparents’ home, holding a circle of people in the palm of his hand.

With his words.

Even at that point, after two and a half years of battling cancer, he had not lost the gift.

Dad ended his talk by singing a song about God watching over sparrows, the song his dad, my grandfather, had also sung when he milked the cows.

I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free.

For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.**

Years ago my brother got Dad a shirt emblazoned with the words Real Men Sing Loud. The real man part was still true. The loud part? His voice was raspy and broken. It cracked on the high notes. It was not the strong tenor I remembered. Cancer attempted to silence my dad’s song.

But not that day.

Victory songs are not always about volume. When my dad’s voice failed, the congregation joined in, one by one. First, a white-haired lady in the third row joined in, tentatively at first, but then with more volume. A young mom jostling a toddler joined the chorus, blending in with a soothing alto. A teenage boy slouched in the back row, sat a little straighter and came in for the last few lines. Friends and neighbors turned Dad’s solo into an unrehearsed ensemble, proving victory songs aren’t about singing alone.

I sing because I’m happy.

I sing because I’m free.

For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.**

The final note faded away.

“That’s all I’ve got,” Dad said. He shuffled back to his seat.

Later when we got home, Dad mentioned he had forgotten to say some sentences he wanted to share. He wondered if he had delivered his message in the way he had wanted.

We assured him he did great. “You made us laugh. You made us cry. And you made us sing.”

What more could a storyteller want?***

Relay For Life Story Board Event

My dad was a storyteller. Since writing his story, and Mom's story, I have recognized the value of people's stories and the importance of getting their words out into the world, and also, the value of our role in standing as witnesses to their lives.If you live in Arizona, I would like to invite you to share in other survivors' brave stories. At Relay For Life in Chandler Arizona, on Saturday, April 27-28 at Basha High School, we will be hosting a Story Board Event of entries from cancer survivors and caregivers. Their 200-word stories will be posted in their entirety, with the theme, Cancer Can, Cancer Can Not. The winners will be acknowledged from the stage during the Opening Ceremonies at 6 pm and then they will be invited to lead the survivor lap around 6:30. This year's winners are:

Men's Voice: Christopher Caminiti

Women's Voice: Dana Hansen

Warrior Spirit: Melody Viscariello

Mayor's Choice: Margaret Knoll

Courageous Heart: Jeffrey M. Zaben

Inspirational: Keith Sword

Compassionate Spirit: Glenda Shackelford

Voice for Early Detection: Dianna Farmer

Come out and read their brave stories!!

Donations for Chandler Relay For Life with The American Cancer Society can be made here.

You can donate to a specific person by typing their name into the appropriate search bar.

If you are local, I hope you can make the event.

Victory Songs are not about singing alone.

Links mentioned in the story:

*After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Professor Randy Pausch gave a final lecture which became an Internet sensation and bestselling book, The Last Lecture.**His Eye is On the Sparrow by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Civilla Durfee Martin, 1905. Public Domain.***The above story is adapted from Under a Desert Sky by Lynne Hartke. (C) 2017. Revell, a division of Baker Publishing, Grand Rapid, pages 112-115.


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