Why I Participate in Relay For Life: I Want More

At the end of this month, our city will be hosting Chandler Relay For Life at Basha High School. People of all ages will walk a track all night long and raise funds for the American Cancer Society in the fight against cancer. Perhaps you are wondering why I choose to give to Chandler Relay For Life?

Why is this my 11th year of staying up all night when a soft bed sounds like a much better idea? Why Do I relay?

I Relay for the 1.7 million people who heard the words "You have cancer" in 2018.*

I Relay for the 15.5 million people who are cancer survivors.* 

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I Relay because many years ago, other people participated in Relay, raising the fundraising dollars that made a difference in my treatment and care: specifically, the research that recommended mammograms for earlier breast cancer detection and the research that developed estrogen-blocking drugs, thus decreasing my risk of a re-occurrence. 

Those are the big-picture reasons I Relay. But I have an inner circle of other reasons. Personal reasons. Important reasons.

I Relay for more brown eyes.

Madelyn eye pic

I Relay for more giggles and belly laughter.


I Relay for more white convertible days.

Dad's white convertible

I Relay for more lipstick wearing nights.

Mom putting on lipstick

I Relay for more Davids who are fighting Goliath.

Alan Zaben cancer survivor

I Relay for more light in the midst of darkness.

Luminaria Lap Chandler Relay

I Relay for more hand holding. 

hand holding survivors

I Relay for more nights on the couch.

I Relay for more birthdays.

Blowing out candles

I Relay for more weddings.

I Relay for more graduations.

Mom and Kate hugging high school graduation

I Relay for more baby holding.

I Relay for more hugs.


I Relay for more plates set around more tables in restaurants, kitchens and dining rooms, of families and friends celebrating ordinary days.

Why do I participate in Relay for Life?

Because cancer comes and says you will be less.

Hopeless. Useless. Defenseless. Meaningless. Nameless.


I Relay for MORE.

Chandler Relay for Life will be April 27-28.  If you would like to donate, walk with my team (even if you cannot stay the entire evening), create a luminaria in honor or in memory of someone who has been touched by cancer, or sign up for your own team, go to this link. 

Together, we can be more.

*U.S. statistic. Not sure of worldwide numbers.


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