Where are My Glasses?

Today, I had a free hour so being the wise woman that I am, I spent it in the best way possible. I took a nap. When I woke up, I couldn't find my glasses. Usually, I leave them on the desk near the bed, but they weren't there.

I checked the bathroom. No glasses.

I checked the kitchen. No glasses.

I got a flashlight and looked under the bed. No glasses.

During all this I was hindered by the fact that I was blind and couldn't really see what I was doing. Finally, I called Kevin, interrupting him in a meeting to see if he remembered seeing them someplace.

They were in his pocket.

Life around our house is a bit insane these days. As you may know, we are in the midst of a political campaign as Kevin continues in his race for Chandler's City Council.

And it's not like we were sitting around twiddling our thumbs wondering what to do with our time before then. No, we were all living full lives. And we still are.

Kevin is pastoring and volunteering and campaigning. I am teaching, writing, going to class and chauffeuring kids. Zach and Katelyn are busy at school and with marching band. Marching band alone could keep all of us running in six directions.

We are living in a season of overload.

But we hold on, because we see an end in sight - the election is in six weeks. Marching band ends in nine. According to Dr. Richard Swenson, overload is alright for a season - during Christmas, for example, or finishing a project at work. The problem comes when we continue to live at that pace when the season is over, because as we know, everything in our culture encourages us to continually add one more thing.

The thought that is sustaining me right now, is a quote by author and poet, Roy Lessin, There is always time enough in the day to do God's will.

I believe that is true.

And now that I have my glasses back, it should be easier.


Celebrating Time With You


Rattlesnake Catcher