Three Lessons Learned on the Escalator

This past weekend I flew with my oldest son, daughter-in-law and grandson to Minnesota to visit my parents. Our flight landed early so we had a one hour wait before other cousins arrived. We stacked the luggage in a pile and sat down to wait.

Micah was not interested in sitting. He had been contained on a fully-loaded flying piece of metal for over three hours. He was ready to explore.

Then he saw IT!

The escalator--a motor-driven chain of individual linked steps to and from the baggage area.

Micah was enthralled.

He grabbed his dad's hand and toddled on his just-walking, thirteen-month legs to the ascending staircase.

He rode up. He rode down. He rode up. He rode down (you get the idea.)

Again and again, with his dad, with his mom, and finally with his great-grandmother. I think he would be riding still if we had let him.

Watching my grandson taught me a few things about riding escalators:

1. This human experience includes ups and downs. To live with hearts fully alive requires embracing both as part of the adventure.

2.  It is a good idea to surround yourself with others who have gone before, that just-walking legs and experienced feet need to ride together.

3.  Before stepping on an escalator, grab hold of the hand of someone you love.


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